HI ~~ I'm Heng Wei :) Current Time:

Welcome to EP1000

*Digital Fabrication and Prototyping*

Personal Info

Picture Personal info
Heng Wei
DMRO/FT/2A/02 (EP1000-01)
Telegram id: 119806281 @Hengwei

What are we LEARNING ??

In this module, students are introduced to design and develop thinking concepts as well as prototyping skills. Fundamental skills and technologies such as computer-aided design, 2D and 3D modelling, mechanical & electronic design and programming skills will be taught for better understanding of basic essential concepts and improved through hands-on activities. Project management, web and version control techniques, which are important for project development, will also be taught to students.

List of things would be covered

Content Information
Computer Aided Design Is the use of computers to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design.
3D Printing A way of creating three dimensional (3D) solid objects.
Computer Controlled Cutting Cutting knife movement is controlled by a computer.
Embedded Programming Refers to a computer system in which hardware and software are tightly integrated.