Lampshade DesignCurrent Time:


Design Steps

  • Create a sketch on the XY plane and sketch the diameter of the desired lampshade size
  • Make a small cut on the cylinder which will be use for unfolding the cylinder later.
  • After extruding the sketch except for the small cut, extrude a small distance in between the gaps the cylindrical first before convert model to sheet metal in order to unfold.
  • Unfold cylinders

  • Under Sheet metal tab, moust over modify and select "unfold".
  • Select the extruded side (highlighted in blue) as "Stationary Entity" and the circumference of the cylinder as "Bends" to unfold whoch result in a rectangle.
  • Next, create sketch on the rectangle (aware of which side surface using, it could be internal circumference of external one)
  • Now starts to design any desired design on the sketch (whether include canvas to design or manual design)
  • When all deisgn is complete, extrude the sketch by 1mm
  • Lastly, at toolbar, select "Refold Faces" to return back to cylinder which all design extrusion made will also be surrounding the model.
  • Lampshade Design: