Gears and Lampshade HolderCurrent Time:

Model creation

Gears Design Steps

  • At toolbar, Tools > Add-ins > Select "SpurGear"
  • Set the settings required for gears creation, do remember the module of both gears must be the same
  • After creating of the gears, "move" the gears to measure the center to center distance.
  • The distance will be the sum of radius of the pitch diameter(check whether does the pitch diameter intersect one another only at 1 point), then that will be the distance need to design on the lamp cover
  • After moving, can rotate one of the gears to make it look they perfectly match (if pitch diameter met at only 1 point, then gear set should work)
  • Create sketch on the driven gear (the one move because of another gear is driving through supply)
  • Create construction circle for reference to create slot to place the lampshade holder
  • Make a slot hole creation to mount the lampshade support/holder
  • Extrude out to create holes
  • Gear Design:

    Lampshade Holder

  • Create a circle frame, with a hole size about the same as the hole size created on the lampbox cover for LED to flash through.
  • The construction circles are made as a reference diameter/size of the lampshade to place above it
  • Below the circular frame, create sketch to form slots to join with gears
  • After extrude, use circular pattern to form the remaining slots.
  • Lampshade Holder: