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Parameter Setting

  • Go modify > Change Parameter
  • Parameter: Enable user to change dimension easily by editing on parameter instead of choosing different faces to change dimensions
  • Aware where is length, width and height
  • Edit certain specification like height,length, weight and thickness
  • Front Plate

  • Create new component, name "Front plate"
  • Create sketch on the ZX plane
  • Create a rectangle with dimension of "length" and "height"(dimension use follow parameter)
  • Extrude the image with distance of "thickness"
  • Next, create tabs on both sides and bottom, create rectangle(whixh is the tabs),dimension using the parameter(length of tabs on width is wtabs or length of tabs on height is htabs) by thickness
  • Extrude cut the tabs with dimension: thickness
  • Using rectangular pattern, enter the number as parameter(nltabs or nwtabs) and distance is (length - length of tab*3) or (width - width of tabs*3)depends on which dimensions use to refer
  • Right Plate

  • Create a new component on the right face of the front plate
  • Create rectangle and colinear to constraint the side and dimension the width
  • Create a circle and hole size dimension of "hole" (parameter setting) and dimension between 2 circles is at least 4 mm, extrude with "thicknes" dimension
  • Using same setting on desgin front, similar steps, add tabs but now only do on the width, or bottom face of the right plate will do
  • Extrude and rectangular pattern to form the tabs
  • Using the face of the front side and the other end of "Right" face to create midplane.
  • Mirror Front component using plane created and combine cut the design on "Right" component
  • Repeat the step to create plane as reference point to mirror "Right"component
  • Bottom Plate

  • Create component at the bottom face of any component
  • Draw rectangle and dimension to have allowance on all sides,at least 5 to 10mm
  • Extrude the rectangle and combine cut the rectangle using other 4 components as reference(cutting tools)
  • Cover (TOP)

  • Create component for making a cover
  • Offset plane from the inner back plane, offset a distance of 15mm
  • Create a rectangle and extrude with a dimension of "coverwidth"(parameter)
  • Create sketch on the side surface, sketch a rectangle and extrude out the as the attach join of the cover to the box
  • Create and using midplane of the cover, mirror the circular joint of the cover component
  • Box Design:


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