Laser Cutting

Intro to Laser Cutting

  • Laser cutting is a process where material is placed in the X-Y plane and a LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is moved across the profile to be cut out.
  • The high intensity of the beam causes the material to be vaporised (cut away)
  • A laser can be focused to a tight spot, which allows the beam to “cut” at the position.
  • To cut, there are certain preferred file format such as ( AutoCAD, PDF and STL )
  • Obtaining DXF profiles from Fusion 360

    Open your design in Fusion 360.
    In the Object Browser, expand and show the bodies/component list.
    If you have multiple components, make sure that the root or top-most object is selected
    Select the body which you want to extract the profile. turn off the bodies which are not of interest
    In this case only the FRONT component is selected
    Click onto the body surface to select the sketch plane and create sketch
    1. Create > Create Sketch
    2. Select(L-Click) the body surface to select the sketch plane.
    3. Important Click again on the profile (it should turn BLUE), showing you the sketch profile.
    5. Click FINISH SKETCH
    6. Your sketch should be located in the Object Browser > Sketches
    7. Select “Finish Sketch”
    8. Rename the sketch to identify it (e.g. FRONT_DXF)
    9. Right-click on the Sketch FRONT_DXF
    10. Select the Save As DXF Option

    Checking layout and prepare for Laser Cutting

  • It is IMPORTANT to check DXF profiles before come down to the Laser cutter to cut your work
  • Such as profiles are exported correctly ot not, layouting to save space on material to cut and more
  • LibreCAD
    LibreCAD is an open source CAD drawing program. You can use it to create 2D profiles and save it to DXF files. It’s default file format is .DXF
    1. In LibreCAD, open a new drawing File > New
    2. Use File > Import > Block and select your .DXF file.
    3. Keep adding the profiles. You can layout your laser cut profile using this software.
    4. Remember that any line/graphic drawn will be cut out by the laser cutter.
    5. Check your profiles, save your work as another DXF file e.g. layout.dxf
    6. You can do a single import into CorelDraw.
    DXF file for laser cutting of box design

    Laser Cutting

  • This is the laser cutting machine that we will be using, remember to complete laser cutting quiz and read through to prepare for practical test
  • Once again, please FINISH LAYOUTING before coming in so that will not waste time in the lab
  • Vector: Use for cutting
  • Combined: Use for graving
  • Settings before printing
    1.Import the DXF file that contains the layout of the box which should have completed before arriving (File > Import)
    2. Use File > Import > Block and select your .DXF file.
    3. Ensure that the units are Metric and the Scaling is 1:1. Select the lines that are meant to be cut as "Hairline".
    4. Click print once you are ready to do so, and click "Configure" to set the Power, Speed and frequency for Vector and Combined seperately.
    Settings before printing
    1. On the laser cutter, use the arrow keys to select the different functions
  • Job: Select job to start cutting, press GO to start
  • Jog: Move the cutter using the joystick. Press the joystick to set the position as the starting point.
  • 2. Use JOG to find set the starting position first.
    3. Press go with cover being open up to check the cutting preview (When cover is up, press go will not start cutting; When cover down, press GO will start cutting)
    4. Once finish checking, may move down the cover and start cutting.