Computer Aided Design and Photoshop Current Time:



Computer Graphic

What is Computer Graphic ??

  • It is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts which use computers with the help of programming.
  • Computer graphics is made up of number of pixels, which is the smallest graphical picture or unit represented on the computer screen.
  • Basically,there are two Kinds of Computer Graphics- raster (composed of pixels) and vector (composed of paths
  • Image:

  • If is raster images, zoom in and the edge begin to show and the edges which no longer look smooth
  • If is vector images, zoom in the edges remain crisp and sharp no matter the size
  • Software for Computer Graphic



    Images use for exapmle:

    1. Open the photo we want to edit on, and use the Free select tool to mark out the selected profile
    2. After markout, go select bar > choose invert, will see the background is selected instead of profile
    3. Go edit > choose clear, background should be cleared and left the selected profile
    4. Drag and drop the image into the layer
    5. Now most of parts are done, now edit through scalling, brightness and more
    6. Lastly, export the file as JPG or files we want
    Youtube Video to learn
    How to use GIMP
    Learn GIMP in 30 Minutes

    Fusion 360

  • It is called the combination of different Autodesk software (e.g. AutoCAD, Inventor,..)
  • In this module, we will be mostly using fusion 360
  • Fusion 360 is free for educational use, provided you sign up using ichat as a registered student of Singapore Polytechnic.
  • Quick guide of Creating 3D model in Fusion 360

    1. Extrusion
    - Extrusion is the common command or steps to create a 3D project from a 2D sketch
    - Create a 2D sketch in any planes(example:XY plane)
    - Extrude function to adjust the distance
    (Types of Extrusion)
    - New Body (create a new body)
    - Join (Join the extruded body to an existing body)
    - Cut (Remove parts through extrusion)
    2. Revolve
    - Revolve is a step to create 3D project and revolve(rotate) based on reference axis(turning point) from a 2D sketch
    - Create a 2D sketch in any planes(example:XY plane)
    (Types of Revolve)
    - Angle (Create a 3D model through revolve at certain angle required)
    - Full (Revolve a 2D sketch to be a full 360 degree 3D model)
    - To (Revolve to a certain plan or axis)
    3. Lofting
    - Create model in plane and outline the model shape
    - Required offset plane concept to use loft
    4. Sectional Analysis
    - Able to check the internal design where couldn't see through normal home view
    - Inspect function > Select parts or bodies > Sectional Analysis

    Sample of Fusion 360:

    1. Exercise_1
    2. Exercise_2
    3. Exercise_3
    4. Nametag
    5. Fidget Spinner
    6. Knight Chesspiece
    7. Laptop Stand
    8. Box design