Intro to Fab Lab

To summarize, IMPORTANT points are mentioned below:

  • It places the RESPONSIBILITY for workplace safety on all stakeholders along lines of control at the workplace.
  • Focuses on Workplace Safety & Health systems (WSH) and outcomes, rather than merely on compliance.
  • It imposes higher PENALTIES for non-compliance and risky behaviour.
  • Report ALL work related injuries(no matter how minor), promptly to technical support staff or supervising staff.
  • Contact the school’s general office, 67721206 or call 67721234 when treatment to injury is required.
  • Proper attire is a MUST(example, long pants, no slippers, tied hair and more)
  • Hazards

    Mechanical Hazards

    1. Entanglement hazards
    2. Entanglement arise when loose clothing, hair or loose item got caught with the moving parts of a machine.

    3. Cutting hazards
    4. Cutting hazards are present in machines used to cut wood, metal or other materials at the point of operation. Machines with moving cutting elements are dangerous. They can cause severe injury (eg. deep cuts, amputations) due to its own momentum when they come into contact with a worker’s body

    5. Impact hazards
    6. Impact hazards relate to objects that strike the human body, but do not penetrate it. The severity of an impact hazard depends on the speed, force and inertia of the moving machine part during operation or upon ejection from the machine .

    7. Shearing hazards
    8. Parts of machines that move past each other or stationary objects can cause a shear point resulting in a crushing or cutting action. In general, shearing hazards are present between two machine parts such as power press punch, shearing machine, etc..

    9. Crushing hazards
    10. It is caused when part of the body is caught between either two moving parts of machinery or a moving part and a stationary object.

    11. Draw-in hazards
    12. Injuries can occur when a body part is drawn-in by inrunning nip points formed by two counter-rotating parts or between rotating and tangentially moving surfaces.

    13. Frcition and abrasion hazards
    14. Friction burns and abrasions occurs when encountering rough surfaces moving at high speed e.g. sanding machine, grinding wheel etc. can cause abrasion injuries

    Non-Mechanical Hazards

    1. Fall from Heightst hazards
    2. When required to work at heights, fall can lead to sprains or broken bones and in more serious cases, head injuries or even death.

    3. Noise hazards
    4. - Noise is often generated during machine operations and work activities.

      - Prolonged exposure to excessive noise can cause NID( Noise-Induced Deafness ).

      - To prevent hearing loss, one should not be exposed to noise levels exceeding 85 dB (A) for 8 hours a day.

    5. Electrical hazards
    6. - May be exposed to electrical hazards, for example, during electrical installations or when machines or power tools are in use.

      - Accidents involving contact with electricity can happen when an electrical machine failed, electric circuits are overloaded or shortcircuited, or when one comes into contact with a live wire.

    7. Heat-related hazards
    8. - Contact with hot surfaces of machines can cause severe skin burns.

      - Operations involving high temperatures, high humidity or strenuous physical activities cause heat-related illness (e.g. heat exhaustion or in severe cases, heat stroke).

    9. Chemical hazards
    10. Exposure to chemicals in the workplace can cause acute or long-term detrimental health effects.

    11. Fatigue
    12. - Fatigue is tiredness leading to reduced mental and physical performance that can endanger safety and health.

      - can also lead to near-miss incidents, serious injuries and even fatal accidents due to reduced concentration and alertness.

      - Long working hours without rest, intense and sustained physical exertion or mental effort, lack of adequate rest and sleep could be the causes of fatigue.


    Safety Assessment

    First of all, Safety Assessment needs to be done at the lab for teacher to verify that u have completed and get the passing percentage of 80%. Else WILL NOT be allow to enter lab

    Safety Assessment guideline:

    1. LoginE-service@SP(BlackBoard) find module EP1000
    2. Under Learning resoursec and look for Fablab Safety
    3. Read all documents provided to be familiar about lab rules

    Emergency Procedures

  • For Ambulance call 995
  • For SCDF call 995
  • For Police call 999
  • For SCDF call 6772-1234
  • Project Management

    As it means, it helps to plan your tasks and projects which would lead to completion of work.

  • Time management(determine the quantity and quality of projects)
  • Resources(materials or situations, need to find out what materials are suitable for different projects)
  • Assignment 1

    Time(approximate) Task
    30~50min Instalation - Fusion 360 & Text Editor
    45~60min Go through the Lab Safety Slides and Handbook, familarise with Rules in Lab
    10~15min Research about neccesary tool needed in tool-kit
    10min Create a github account

    Text Editor

    Web Editor

    Autodesk Fusion 360

    This is a Computer Aided design(CAD) tool for 3D modelling(digitally design your project)

  • Register as a student (It is free for 3 years, else need to pay monthly)
  • Installation