HTML Editor Current Time:



Intro to HTML

  • Describes the sturcture of a Web page
  • Tells the browser how to display the content
  • Label pieces of content such as "heading", "paragraph", "table", and so on
  • In order make available infomation on www, you need the following

  • A web Server or Service (example:
  • A web page written in HTML (example: index.html OR mypage.html)
  • A web browser at the client (example: Google)
  • Example of HTML tags use

    1. "!DOCTYPE html" declaration defines this document to be HTML5
    2. "html" element is the root element of an HTML page
    3. 'h' element defines a large heading
    4. 'p' element defines a paragraph
    5. HTML tags normally come in pairs like '' and ''/p'(at ending, FORWARD slash inserted before tag name)
    6. 'a' tag defines HTML link,'href' is used for link's destination
    7. 'img' element defines a picture, along with'height/width=??'

    Example(I have chosen to use Atom)

    Suggestion to improve HTML skills

    Youtube Video: Jake Wright
    Learn HTML in 12 Minutes
    Learn MORE HTML in 12 Minutes
    Learn CSS in 12 Minutes
    Tutoria; & References
    w3schools tutorial, which is easy to be use as reference

    Assignment 2

    Time(approximate) Task
    30~45min Watch the videos to explore and get an idea to use HTML
    45~60min Try few tutorials on HTML to gain confidence in designing and develope a webpage
    60~75min Use text editor you have selected to create a simple web page with specifications mentioned below


    Your webpage should be containing:

  • Use heading, such as h1 or more
  • Use paragraph and give a brief intro about your website and what you have learnt in this module.
  • Use table with 2 colums:left column shows a picture of yourself and sized properly,right column describe about yourself (name, course or interest or more)
  • Try use other tags to design a weboage(not neccesary but give a try)